Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Indianhead at OTR: September 6-8, 2013

A rare 0 for 6 weekend.  Ugh.

Friday: 9/6/13

Excellent Jww:
NQ – Missed jump, went back into tunnel after coming out (very weird, thought/did find food??)

Missed a jump out of a straight tunnel in the middle of incredibly tough sequence.  I made blind cross before tunnel but still couldn’t beat her out of tunnel for push to jump.  Couldn’t pull to jump because of wrong courses around it and after it.  Got tough jump discrimination but then coming out of a straight tunnel she snapped her head to the floor sniffing and went back into tunnel, almost came out the original entry side then turned around in tunnel.  I assume she found food in the tunnel.

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Wrong course jump, wrong course tunnel

One of those “put head down and slowly do wrong course” mistakes.  Slow weaves but had a nice run after that although she got a wrong course tunnel when, since I had NQd I tried a pull to the correct side of the tunnel instead of a front cross before it, which I would have done if I was qualifying.

Saturday: 9/7/13

Excellent Jww:
NQ – dropped bar
Jump to the weaves start and she weaves as slow as I would expect with that course design.  Came out of weaves with great speed.  Dropped bar at tunnel call-off spot.

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Wrong course jump

She took a very popular wrong course jump on the way to the table.  I drifted backwards which didn’t help but still surprising since I got the front cross that wasn’t easy to get, just for trying to call off that jump.  Course had a late jump where exit could be with a turn back into the course which she handled great.  Tight turn, no sign of “running at exit”.

Sunday: 9/8/13

Excellent Jww:
NQ – Dropped bar

A big puppy sit start and she barely cleared the first bar.  Dropped a bar when I called hard at a spot I was concerned she would “head for exit”.  She didn’t but call dropped the bar.  Nice, clean finish through technical stretch.

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Ran past aframe, wrong course off aframe

Solid run going on a tough course.  Very slow weaves.  Looked like she was going to have it but ran past aframe as she turned toward home. I did just assume it but not sure why she ran by, if it was approach angle or heading for home attitude.  With the NQ I tried to “enforce” bottom on aframe but she ran past me to wrong course.  There was a difficult five obstacle sequence that we did a little differently than most teams and it went great.

Rochester Kennel Club: August 31-September 2, 2013

Tough mental weekend for me.  Friday and Saturday were very humid.  Four of five NQs were in the last two obstacles of the course. 

Friday: 8/31/13

Excellent Jww:
NQ – Dropped bar late.

Solid start.  A little loss of focus before the triple.  Not an easy weave entry but got them.  Slow weaves which is unusual late in the course.  Dropped bar on second to last jump which I did as a big push.  Sadly, I didn’t know she dropped it until much later in the day.

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Stepped off teeter, late in course.

Pokey run, it was outside and rather hot.  Barely made it up on table.  Picked up the pace a little after weaves.  Back to a slow dogwalk.  Then it was a tough angle to teeter but she approached good enough to get on but chose not to.

Saturday: 9/1/13

Excellent Jww:
NQ – Dropped double, the last obstacle

Good speed to start especially considering the humidity.  Paused at weave start but then weaved quite fast.  Very nice turns on path to tunnel.  Dropped bar on the double, the last jump.  Running to exit gait, not thinking about jumps.

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Walked around table, ran past dogwalk, wrong course weaves after chute

Ran as if it was sunny, humid and hot, because it was.  But still managed to do it all.  Glacial slow weaves but she did them and then just walked around the table.  Ran by dogwalk, not sure if it was bad approach or not, doesn’t look like it on video and didn’t feel like it live.  Late wrong course as neither Shasta or I were too happy being in the heat and sun at that point!

Sunday: 9/2/13

Excellent Standard:  (run by Kris)
NQ – Broke open tire, last obstacle

Run by Kris because I was frustrated by lack of standard success of late, didn’t want Shasta to feel it from me.  Cooler day.  Solid run early.  Very nice table.  A late front cross before weaves but Shasta managed it.  Kiva ran past tire on Kris so Kris overhandled with Shasta and called her off of it.  As she tried to resend, Shasta had poor spacing and crashed the tire fairly bad.

Excellent Jww:
100 - MXJ Leg #20 – 8 points

It had finally cooled down on this run.  Slow through weaves then picked up the pace for the rest of the course.  Nice front crosses on the second half of the course.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Goldens at Soccer Blast: August 16-18, 2013

Friday: 8/16/13

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Bar on double (obstacle 2)

A little sluggish off start line, probably contributed to dropped bar on double as obstacle 2.  Nice lateral send to allow for blind cross before teeter (even though I barely got there).  Got nice bottoms on teeter and dogwalk.

Excellent Jww:
100 – MXJ Leg #18 – 6 points

Big puppy sit on start line but still started with ok speed.  Wide turn on jump leading to line of jump to weaves.  Slow weaves but then kicked it down.  Nice job not taking wrong course #1 after tunnel.  A front cross that I barely made at the finish but she found a way to cross.

Saturday: 8/17/13

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Popped weaves

Very slow weaves.  As I tried to speed them up I got way ahead and she popped out.  I got way in front on second try at weaves and she did them all.  Weird tunnel to dogwalk combination, I played it very safe on the entry and she handled it fine.  Went around jump as I believe she was heading for the exit. 

Excellent Jww:
NQ – Dropped last bar.

Odd run as I thought she was jumping poorly, especially first half but kept bars up.  Weaved slow.  After weaves pace picked back up and jumping got better.  Dropped bar on the last jump.

Sunday: 8/18/13

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Ran by table, popped weave (early weave, she thought weave “bit/attacked” her butt)

Ok start, nice dogwalk to 180 jumps.  Ran by table.  I was expecting that there might be an issue sticking the table off the triple but I’m not sure why she didn’t engage it at all.  She may have thought it was tire instead.  Big speed to weaves and she managed to enter but then reacted like a pole bit/attacked her in the butt and she turned to look.

Excellent Jww:
100 - MXJ Leg #19 – 9 points

Solid enough run but I still thought her jumping looked a little labored until the weaves and the weaves were very slow.  Speed and jump style got better after weaves.  Very confused if what I saw was physical or mental (since it got better after weaves). 

Chiropractor visit during the following week, she was off but not a lot off.  Still don’t know if issue was mental or physical.

Friday, December 27, 2013

St. Croix Valley at Vadnais Soccer Center: August 9-11, 2013

Friday: 8/9/13

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Missed aframe contact, popped out of weaves

Not an easy start getting push to panel then wanting front cross after it but she handled it great.  Missed aframe contact.  Lead out from table allowed us to handle little hidden push/pull that got a lot of dogs.  Got tough weave entry then popped weaves as I tried to pull off them early to try and set up a tough to set up safe dogwalk entry.

Excellent Jww:
100 – MXJ Leg #17 – 6 pts

Technical course with many issues and she ran it awesome including awesome call-off wrong course jump late in course that got a lot of dogs.  Did have a wide turn when facing ending jump on the way to weaves. 

Saturday: 8/10/13

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Missed dogwalk contact, popped out of weaves

Very nice start, good speed and tight lines.  Chose an independent dogwalk in order to get turn to aframe instead of wrong course weaves but she lept off dw contact.  Because I had flunked I purposely got out in front of weaves to try them but she popped.  I got in front second try at weaves and she stayed in them.  I LOVED how she did the final three jumps, she made them look easy which they weren’t.

Excellent Jww:
NQ – Dropped bar

I did front cross into weaves which was not planned or wanted but we survived with front cross after them as well.  There were some tough turns and lines which she handled very nicely as well but dropped a late bar.

Sunday: 8/11/13

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Around  jump, wrong course tire

Great turn from tire to weaves while in a box, found weave entry very nicely.  Barely hit yellow on aframe but did.  Fast dogwalk.  She came flying out of a tunnel and went around a jump.  I didn’t see that issue and wasn’t ready for it.  Got a wrong course soon after but I wasn’t trying hard after the flunk.

Excellent Jww:
NQ – dropped bar on double, wrong course jump

Handled tough opening really well, smooth.  Slow weaves.   Dropped double when running at high speed.  I tried tough front cross before tunnel and barely made it.  I didn’t react well to her wrong course soon after, I should have been more ready for it, many other dogs did the same wrong course.

SPDTC: August 2-4, 2013

Friday and Sunday Runs By Kris

Friday: 8/2/13

Excellent Jww:
NQ – Two wrong course jumps, missed weave entry

Came out flying with a tunnel start (not always a good thing for her speed).  Great speed all along. 

Excellent Standard:
100 - MX Leg #7 – 12 points

Near wrong course aframe after the panel. A tiny mis-step on upside of dogwalk but she found her balance. Wide slow turn on jump after table. 

Saturday: 8/3/13

Excellent Jww:
NQ – Dropped bar.

Solid start.  Very slow first half of weaves.  Dropped bar on pre-cue turn. 

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Wrong course jump after aframe

Was able to get distance for CO front cross before tunnel in upper right to take that discrimination out of play.  Came flying off aframe and got wrong course jump.  Don’t know if it was aframe exit speed or heading toward exit corner or both but she lost a little focus there.  Was able to get lateral distance for front cross before tire.  It was a battle to get front cross on teeter but we managed it.


Excellent Jww:
NQ – Wrong course jump and a dropped bar.

Mis-timed take-off on first jump but cleared it. 

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Curled off jump, wrong course jump instead of tunnel

Terrible wide front cross on first turn, Kris was late plus she was seeing the aframe.  Weird curl off jump after aframe, it looks like she caught sight of a wrong course obstacle.

Working Group at Soccer Blast: July 27-28, 2013

Saturday: 7/27/13

Excellent Jww:
100 – MXJ Leg #15 – 9 points

Good speed off start line but didn’t sustain it early.  Nice blind cross after 5.  Solid finish, handled tunnel discrimination in upper left corner nicely.

Excellent Standard:
100 – MX Leg #6 – 16 points – Double Q #2!

Good solid run.  Somewhat rare rear cross after dogwalk that went fine.  Flying into weaves she managed to enter correctly even with a slide into the first pole.  Great dog! 


Excellent Standard:
NQ – Wrong course tire (heading for exit-itis)

Seemed a little hesitant about table but did it.  Great save on weave entry although shouldn’t have gone that wide to start with. Was in “heading for home” gait on dogwalk and after it, got a wrong course tire.  Nice rear cross and didn’t even look at wrong course tunnel at the finish.

Excellent Jww:
100 - MXJ Leg #16 – 4 points (hoarked on course)

Was going fine then “hoarked” her treat or something right before double, barely avoiding refusal.  Not great speed in weaves but very nice send to tunnel allowing nice front cross on jump after tunnel, a cross that wasn’t easy to get to.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Shepherds at Soccer Blast: July 19-21, 2013

Friday: 7/19/13

Excellent Jww:
100 – MXJ Leg #13 – 9 points

A very good run, great speed throughout with tight turns. 

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Missed DW contact.

Not good speed to start but did have a tight turn on the wrong course dogwalk option.  Solid run until missing the dogwalk contact which was the second to last obstacle.  I thought the judge got the call wrong when I was running it but the video proved the judge was right and I was wrong.

Saturday: 7/20/13

Excellent Jww:
NQ – Went around a jump.

A great NQ run.  Very good speed, good lateral distance, tight lines.  Went around the jump that Tori and Kiva also missed with different handling choices.  It was berner unfriendly.  ;-)

Excellent Standard:
100 – MX Leg #5 – 16 points

Nice run, good speed throughout.  Although a couple of extra strides coming out of chute still proud she pulled off the wrong course jump that was very popular.  She came out of tunnel before weaves so fast that I was afraid she would miss weave entry but she made it.

Sunday: 7/21/13

Excellent Jww:
100 - MXJ Leg #14 – 10 points

Another great run.  Handled tough sequence after weaves perfectly.  Nice send to jump in upper right corner.

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Wandered by teeter, missed a weave as I tried to get way ahead.

Odd early wander by the teeter.  It looked a little like avoidance but no idea why it would have been.  Probably just general lack of focus (although very early in the course, it was facing exit corner).  Did great on tough sequence with serpentine to aframe to turn tunnel.  Not a tight turn to the tunnel but it’s not a skill she knows so still good of her to do it.