Friday: 8/9/13
Excellent Standard:
NQ – Missed aframe contact, popped out of weaves
Not an easy start getting push to panel then wanting front cross after it but she handled it great. Missed aframe contact. Lead out from table allowed us to handle little hidden push/pull that got a lot of dogs. Got tough weave entry then popped weaves as I tried to pull off them early to try and set up a tough to set up safe dogwalk entry.
Excellent Jww:
100 – MXJ Leg #17 – 6 pts
Technical course with many issues and she ran it awesome including awesome call-off wrong course jump late in course that got a lot of dogs. Did have a wide turn when facing ending jump on the way to weaves.
100 – MXJ Leg #17 – 6 pts
Technical course with many issues and she ran it awesome including awesome call-off wrong course jump late in course that got a lot of dogs. Did have a wide turn when facing ending jump on the way to weaves.
Saturday: 8/10/13
Excellent Standard:
NQ – Missed dogwalk contact, popped out of weaves
Very nice start, good speed and tight lines. Chose an independent dogwalk in order to get turn to aframe instead of wrong course weaves but she lept off dw contact. Because I had flunked I purposely got out in front of weaves to try them but she popped. I got in front second try at weaves and she stayed in them. I LOVED how she did the final three jumps, she made them look easy which they weren’t.
Excellent Jww:
NQ – Dropped bar
I did front cross into weaves which was not planned or wanted but we survived with front cross after them as well. There were some tough turns and lines which she handled very nicely as well but dropped a late bar.
Sunday: 8/11/13
NQ – Dropped bar
I did front cross into weaves which was not planned or wanted but we survived with front cross after them as well. There were some tough turns and lines which she handled very nicely as well but dropped a late bar.
Sunday: 8/11/13
Excellent Standard:
NQ – Around jump, wrong course tire
Great turn from tire to weaves while in a box, found weave entry very nicely. Barely hit yellow on aframe but did. Fast dogwalk. She came flying out of a tunnel and went around a jump. I didn’t see that issue and wasn’t ready for it. Got a wrong course soon after but I wasn’t trying hard after the flunk.
Excellent Jww:
NQ – dropped bar on double, wrong course jump
Handled tough opening really well, smooth. Slow weaves. Dropped double when running at high speed. I tried tough front cross before tunnel and barely made it. I didn’t react well to her wrong course soon after, I should have been more ready for it, many other dogs did the same wrong course.
NQ – dropped bar on double, wrong course jump
Handled tough opening really well, smooth. Slow weaves. Dropped double when running at high speed. I tried tough front cross before tunnel and barely made it. I didn’t react well to her wrong course soon after, I should have been more ready for it, many other dogs did the same wrong course.
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