Monday, May 27, 2013

Bloomington Four Days: May 24-27, 2013

Friday: 5/24/13
Excellent Jww:
100 - MXJ Leg #2 – 3 points

Puppy sit at start line.  So-so speed at the start.  Good wrap weave entry but then slow weaves.   Decent speed on the two straightaways.  Good wrap at near the finish.  Solid run.

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Ran/Walked by weaves

I was worried about early call-off of the aframe but she handled that fine.  I purposefully got ahead of her on the aframe as that had been working well at home training to avoid pause at top but it didn’t help in the show, she paused big-time.  Felt and looked like a decision not to try weave entry until last second she did sort of try.  It was not a nice dogwalk entry unless you helped a lot as handler, which I did.  Finished fine.

Saturday: 5/25/13
Excellent Jww:
NQ – Dropped bar late in class

Pretty good speed off start considering I used a lead out.  Solid run.  On the dropped bar, I called her name over the bar as I was worried she was going to want to “run for home”.   Over-analyzing handler.

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Ran by obstacles on finishing stretch (heading for home)

Not a great dog walk entry but she managed it fine.  I thought I helped it more than I did.  She came out of the tunnel in a different speed, clearly thinking of “heading from home”.  Ran through a-frame and did, indeed, head for home.  I got her back on course and we managed most of the end but she still wanted to get her treats.

Sunday: 5/26/13
Excellent Jww:
100 – MXJ Leg #3 – 7 points

Good speed off start, she like me running with her.  Got great lateral distance to setup second front cross.  Second half of weaves was picking up speed.  Everything else was very good speed.

Excellent Standard: (scary fall from a-frame, watch with caution)
NQ – Awful fall off the top of the a-frame

Shasta paused again at top of aframe, this time turned to look toward me and in doing so, her rear left leg missed staying on the aframe and she fell.  It was one of the worst falls I’ve dealt with in our years in agility.  Terrifying to see and experience although, for some reason, maybe shock, I wasn’t panicked at the time.  I picked her up for a few seconds, set her down carefully to see if she could walk it off and she did, including taking a jump on the way out.  Fortunately, by some minor miracle, she seems fine after the fall.

Monday: 5/27/13
Excellent Jww:
100 – MXJ Leg #4 – 3 points

Her first run following the fall from the aframe.  It was great to see her run without any issues.  Last three poles of weaves had better speed, maybe there are some signs of them getting better.  I did the front cross on the jump after weaves and had NO IDEA what the next couple of jumps were.  That doesn’t happen to often to me.  Fortunately I guessed correctly although the crosses weren’t very efficient because I was looking at obstacles, not her.  She really picked up speed after that and I still managed a blind front cross in a box of jumps.  Finished with a turn on the flat after a call-off of a jump.

Excellent Standard:
NQ – Drop bar on double.  Missed teeter as she “headed for home”. 

I was very scared to do the a-frame after the prior day fall.  It was the focus of my run.  She did it fine!  Whew!!  Even managed to enter weaves from the a-frame.  We had another not-great entry to the dogwalk and she did approach it with good speed and managed it fine.  Lots of dogs we taking wrong course jump after the double and I over-did the cue there, dropping the bar.  Again, look at her “butt-run” coming out of the chute, she was not still in working mode, she wanted to head for her treats.  Judge decided she had put four-paws on teeter in trying to get her back for it, I couldn’t send her to it again, which made the ending messy.  I did get her back into the course before sending her to the finish.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fargo on Dirt: May 16-19, 2013

Thursday: 5/16/13
Excellent Jumpers:
NQ - Dropped bar (with chest, horribly timed), popped weaves

A good start but she took out a bar with her chest when she appeared to mistime or didn't even see the jump.  I don't know what happened, she wasn't looking at me.  She was running faster than usual, I think she might have tried to add a stride and she didn't have time for it.  She understandably turned a little sad after including sniffing at weaves and leaving them.  She weaved on second try and recovered very well for the remainder of the course.  I threw in a rear cross that created a wide turn.  It should have been tighter but at least she did eventually read it correctly. 

Excellent Standard:
100 - MX Leg #1, First MACH points

A tougher opening than it looks, we got a wide turn at the 180, might have been distraction.   Handled box with three tunnel options very cleanly.  I did not help straighten out teeter entry like I should have but she was great in straightening herself for it.  We had a near refusal at the table as she curled in toward me.  I put up my off arm to collect her and she responded too well.  We did a nice turn on the flat to the tunnel, something we have been working on.  She finished by clearing a triple that many dogs dropped.

Friday: 5/17/13
Excellent Standard:
NQ - Jumped off dogwalk at end of course

Started by not releasing from the start line on the first to release commands.  We did get a pause at the top of the aframe.  She came off it with good speed.  We got our push out to the jump out of the tunnel but, like many dogs, she read that push as an acceleration cue, causing her to go long and get confused for a moment.  She nailed a sort of tough weave entry and did the weaves faster than usual.  She approached the dogwalk out of the tunnel with a lot of speed and lost her footing.  My early training teaching her that it is ok to jump from the dogwalk may have helped her as she landed quite softly.  She seemed ok so I took the opportunity to put her back on the dogwalk which she still did very confidently.  At that point we had to leave and skip the last jump.

Excellent Jumpers:
100  - 2nd Place - AXJ Title

Took two calls to release from start line.  Not good speed through the beginning then slower weaves. Nice send to a jump in the pinwheel.  Had a wide turn on a 180.  Better speed on final stretch including nice blind cross.  Slower than I would like but an overall solid run.

Saturday: 5/18/13
Excellent Jumpers:
NQ - Bar on double, refusal at tunnel (distraction issues)

Fine start but came out of first tunnel very slow.  Was she "hoarking"?  We then had a big "freeze-off" with her by the corner near our crates.  Finally got going again only to knock down the double.  We then had an odd refusal/distraction at the tunnel near the end.  Maybe our worst run as far as distractions go.

Excellent Standard:
NQ - Ran past weaves, missed two late jumps (distraction issues)

Early in course she ran past weaves a bit distracted, couldn't recover the entry.  She went very wide on a wrap but didn't back jump.  She then took the dogwalk confidently, nice to see after jumping off the previous day.  Got confused and never did 2o2o.  Near wrong course off the teeter but we saved it.  She then did a great aframe, no delay at top.  Missed two jumps off the aframe, probably more distraction issues.

Sunday: 5/19/13
Excellent Standard:
NQ - dropped panel

Solid start with no distraction at entry corner.  Another confident dogwalk.  After the distraction issues on Saturday, I chose to try and get a front cross on weaves to put me between her and the "exit corner".  In trying to force the front cross, Shasta dropped the panel on the way.  With the speed she had through the panel she did enter the weaves but couldn't hold it for pole 3.  Good finish.  Overall, lots of speed and no distraction issues.

Excellent Jumpers:
100 - MXJ Leg #1

Decent speed to start and a fairly tight turn off jump 2.  Entered and stayed in weaves with good speed and not setting up entry.  Did a successful rear cross on the flat although it did slow her down a bit.  Solid finish to the course.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Des Moines: May 10-12, 2013

Friday: 5/10/13
Excellent Std:
100 - AX Leg #2

No puppy sit at start line.  Slow weaves including a sniff in the middle but got them done.  Had a tough call-off of the aframe coming out of a tunnel.  Aframe had a pause at the top again but she did good 2o2o once she descended.  I was worried about distraction with the chute straightener being right next to the chute but Shasta didn't lose any focus at all.  Good, solid speed through the rest of the run.

Excellent Jumpers:
100 - AXJ Leg #2

Last time we started with a tunnel she came out with great speed so I was expecting the same on this course but I didn't get it. She did the tunnel quite slow but then picked up speed really well about two jumps in.  Did a great blind cross without much very far in front in the pinwheel.  It was not a "gimme" weave entry but she handled it well.  Fairly slow weaves again including distraction/pause in the middle.  Running pretty darn hard through the jumping sequences.

Saturday: 5/11/13
Excellent Std:
NQ - Couldn't hold weave entry

This was an NQ but my favorite run to date!  Good, solid speed.  Total focus.  I liked seeing the wagging tail on the table (although she should be laying down).  No pause on the aframe and had great speed coming off of it.  Drove at dogwalk approach.  As I said, entered pole 1 but didn't get wrap to pole 2.  Probably wasn't used to entering at that speed.  Re-weave was at fastest speed in a show to date, by far.  Great all around speed.

Excellent Jumpers:
NQ - Whistled off for fouling the ring!

What?  Fouling the ring?  Did she pee?  No.  Did she poop?  No.  She took one jump and hoarked out her treat, dropped it on the ground, picked it back up and ate it.  I was correctly asked to leave at the point.  It was disappointing not to run it, it was a nice course for her.

Sunday: 5/12/13
Excellent Std:
100 - AX Title!

Great speed from a running start line.  Great drive from chute to the dogwalk.  I was worried about her sliding off the table but she held it.  She wanted to pause at top of aframe but my command to bottom seemed to keep her from pausing.  She went wide on the rear cross 180 and almost went around the second jump but we managed it.  She entered poles well with some speed and did them a little faster than most show weaves.  We rattle the bar on the jump after the chute but fortunately it stayed up.

Excellent Jumpers:
NQ - Dropped bar (heartbreak bar, on last jump!)

It started with a jump to the weaves, what I think is a very tough opening for a green dog and a dog that you are trying hard to build speed.  The weaves were slow but not distracted.  This course then had a very tough 5-jump offset serpentine.  I chose to handle it with three front crosses which she did well but did go wide after the second cross.  I then had a "save" and Shasta did great on being sent last second on the jump before the tight turn after coming up the middle.  She handled a blind cross from the double just fine.  Even though you can't see it on the video, she dropped the last bar.  I don't think I let up, not sure there was anything wrong, just a dropped bar.  Very disappointing not to get another "poor man's" double Q and not to move up to Master/B class.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Duluth at the New Ice Arena Venue: May 3-5, 2013

Friday: 5/3/13
Excellent Std:
NQ  - Missed jump on turn on flat

Decent speed from the start, even with the puppy sit.  Aframe had small hesitation but not bad.  Good 2o2o and decent releases from them.  Struggled to enter weaves but did enter them correctly.  Tough spot off table, in corner where our crates were, with Sonic squeaking from his crate.  She also got caught a little on last pole.  Did not pick up rear cross cue that I thought was pretty clear.  Missed jump on rear cross on the flat, turning too tight.  Very good speed following weaves/chute.

Excellent Jumpers:
100 - AXJ Leg #1

Another big puppy sit at start line that probably caused a slower start.   Picked up speed through fast part of course.  Shasta wanted a jump instead of heading toward weaves, I was able to call her off, she did enter weaves but they were slow after the call-off.  Solid finishing stretch.

Saturday: 5/4/13
Excellent Jumpers:
NQ - Missed weave entry

Speed!  Wow, she ran fast.  It did have a tunnel start and one early call-off, cross but then a long, open stretch.  Not sure what cause speed.   Sadly, she got a little distracted at weave entry (our crates were right in that corner, might have been the cause) and I thought she had saved the entry, I verbally rewarded but she couldn't hold the third pole.  My reward may have caused miss but I don't think so.  On second weave attempt I tried moving away laterally and forward and she skipped a pole.  Then did them third try, still good speed.  She ran by double but the finished with a nice rear cross.

Time 2 Beat:
NQ - Popped weaves, ran out of time

Slow!  Only about an hour later than her fastest run so far in her young career, she has the slowest run.  She just wasn't in the game.  I purposely did a very independent weave entry and she entered correctly but then stopped at pole two.  Not yet comfortable enough to do it that independently.  Buzzed out of time during second weaves and left course.

Excellent Standard:
NQ - Refusal at tunnel, bad handling

This was a very hard course that we handled ok.  Speed was average, maybe a bit slow.  It started with a pause at the top of the aframe again.  We handled 180 to dogwalk well.  She got a little distracted in a pinwheel but we saved the jump.  Lots of options off the table to the weaves but she found the entry (at a slow pace).  She had very slow weaves, I was pleased to still be qualifying after them.  After weaves was the dogwalk/handler restriction and I handled it poorly, being impatient and sending her to the tunnel like an experienced dog.  On the 270 late in the course she again got distracted by "our crating corner" but did it.  Officially lone small error on a tough course.

Sunday: 5/5/13
Excellent Jumpers:
NQ - Avoided weave entry, twice
Decent speed throughout but avoided weave entry twice.  Everything else was solid.

Excellent Standard:
NQ - Entered weave poles but distracted/refusal at third pole.  Around chute.

It took two break commands to get her out of her puppy sit and starting.  She entered weaves without confidence then popped out at pole 3.  Entered second try and completed weaves but slowly.  Good dogwalk speed.  Got distracted at scribe/timer and ran around the chute.  Recovered nicely from distraction.  Missed slice jump on front cross.  Finished well, did aframe without pause at top but then it took two break commands to get her to release.