Monday, May 13, 2013

Des Moines: May 10-12, 2013

Friday: 5/10/13
Excellent Std:
100 - AX Leg #2

No puppy sit at start line.  Slow weaves including a sniff in the middle but got them done.  Had a tough call-off of the aframe coming out of a tunnel.  Aframe had a pause at the top again but she did good 2o2o once she descended.  I was worried about distraction with the chute straightener being right next to the chute but Shasta didn't lose any focus at all.  Good, solid speed through the rest of the run.

Excellent Jumpers:
100 - AXJ Leg #2

Last time we started with a tunnel she came out with great speed so I was expecting the same on this course but I didn't get it. She did the tunnel quite slow but then picked up speed really well about two jumps in.  Did a great blind cross without much very far in front in the pinwheel.  It was not a "gimme" weave entry but she handled it well.  Fairly slow weaves again including distraction/pause in the middle.  Running pretty darn hard through the jumping sequences.

Saturday: 5/11/13
Excellent Std:
NQ - Couldn't hold weave entry

This was an NQ but my favorite run to date!  Good, solid speed.  Total focus.  I liked seeing the wagging tail on the table (although she should be laying down).  No pause on the aframe and had great speed coming off of it.  Drove at dogwalk approach.  As I said, entered pole 1 but didn't get wrap to pole 2.  Probably wasn't used to entering at that speed.  Re-weave was at fastest speed in a show to date, by far.  Great all around speed.

Excellent Jumpers:
NQ - Whistled off for fouling the ring!

What?  Fouling the ring?  Did she pee?  No.  Did she poop?  No.  She took one jump and hoarked out her treat, dropped it on the ground, picked it back up and ate it.  I was correctly asked to leave at the point.  It was disappointing not to run it, it was a nice course for her.

Sunday: 5/12/13
Excellent Std:
100 - AX Title!

Great speed from a running start line.  Great drive from chute to the dogwalk.  I was worried about her sliding off the table but she held it.  She wanted to pause at top of aframe but my command to bottom seemed to keep her from pausing.  She went wide on the rear cross 180 and almost went around the second jump but we managed it.  She entered poles well with some speed and did them a little faster than most show weaves.  We rattle the bar on the jump after the chute but fortunately it stayed up.

Excellent Jumpers:
NQ - Dropped bar (heartbreak bar, on last jump!)

It started with a jump to the weaves, what I think is a very tough opening for a green dog and a dog that you are trying hard to build speed.  The weaves were slow but not distracted.  This course then had a very tough 5-jump offset serpentine.  I chose to handle it with three front crosses which she did well but did go wide after the second cross.  I then had a "save" and Shasta did great on being sent last second on the jump before the tight turn after coming up the middle.  She handled a blind cross from the double just fine.  Even though you can't see it on the video, she dropped the last bar.  I don't think I let up, not sure there was anything wrong, just a dropped bar.  Very disappointing not to get another "poor man's" double Q and not to move up to Master/B class.

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